Hectic, everyday life, stress or excessive demands can throw life off track. Yoga, a positive mindset, as well as quotes or healthy thoughts and affirmations can help you to find the right balance in life again.
Just stay calm, take time for your needs - be in the here and now and try to be happy - stay calm and relaxed in the stress of everyday life -
Here you will find a few tips for more satisfaction and to combat stress in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Anyone who says "I didn't make any mistakes" or "I always have to give my best in order to be loved and recognized" is putting pressure on themselves and limiting themselves. Excessive demands, attitudes and wishes make things difficult - be more kind to yourself and questioning yourself and your thoughts and beliefs more often. As we all know, small steps also lead us to the goal.
What is important to you in life? One of the most important questions. Anyone who questions themselves will see many things differently.
What is important to me in life?
What do I want to achieve?
What do I want to look back on?
Large piles of work are better broken down into small steps. Instead of doing several things at once, it is advisable to do things one after the other. This way you keep an overview and don't put yourself under so much pressure. Treat yourself to regular breaks - especially when there is a lot going on. Your body tells you exactly when you are exhausted and urgently need a rest.
Prevent stress and try to approach your job so that it doesn't just feel like work. Use a sensible division of working time and free time. Don't get annoyed for too long if something goes wrong. Check it off and move on.
Just rise above things. Don't let yourself be provoked, no matter what your personal or professional circumstances are.
Thinking breaks: Plan fixed rest periods of absolute silence every day. Even 5 minutes can help.
Hangover, head lettuce and no way out?
Stand up for yourself - let your upper body, arms and head dangle and shake, tap these areas gently from the top to the ground. Shake your whole body a little. 30 seconds is enough.
Sporty: Headstand - stimulates the pituitary and pineal gland, refreshes nerves and cells.
Is it getting really stressful again? Is life giving you lemons again? "Then just make lemonade out of it", take a deep breath! Motivate yourself! The motto is: "I can do it!" instead of "I'll never manage that!"
Unpleasant mails? Do you have to do your tax return again? Even if it's difficult and you'd rather put it off until day XY... It's the best to deal with the unpleasant things first. Your head is clear and it won't weight you down anymore.
Regularly reserve time for yourself - create oases:
Deadline pressure? Household? Raising children? Noise?
Ask yourself: "What do I need now and how am I feeling right now?"
A glass of water? Fresh air? A bit of exercise? A place of silence or relaxation?
Reading, listening to music, jogging or yoga.
It's best to put the phone aside and turn it off!
Eyes in particular react extremely to constant strain (warning signs: blinking, burning, redness) - eye pillows with amaranth and millet from the health food store or cool eye pads from the freezer as well as cold cucumber slices help here.
Relaxation oases help to recharge empty batteries. Create a cozy home, a place to retreat to or look for offers in your city.
Maybe the beach isn't far away or there's a quiet city park. You can go for a walk, do yoga, pursue your hobby or sport, read a book, give yourself flowers, treat yourself to a massage or a manicure - what helps best varies from person to person. Find your balance.
healthy / (Chocolate) Snacks:
Let a piece of your favorite chocolate or Snacks melt slowly and with pleasure on your palate.
The mixture of cocoa, sugar & fat (semi-sweet is recommended) stimulates the release of serotonin and endorphins (the body's own happiness hormones). Added to this are magnesium and theobromine, a caffeine-like substance that makes you feel alert but not nervous.
Eat slowly, piece by piece, and let the chocolate melt on your tongue. How does it feel? Smell the piece of chocolate first. What is the first thing that comes onto your mind?
This also works with other foods that you put in your shopping cart.
Quick massage at home: (or from a professional Studio)
Put a few drops of essential oil on your temples and neck. Prop up your elbow and massage with your fingertips for a few minutes with light pressure in circular movements up to your hairline.
A Walk in the woods:
In order to be able to switch off at all, you should keep your senses sensitive. Enjoy with all your senses, breathe, feel, smell - walk through the forest with your eyes closed, psychologists call it "sensory perception with the inner eye" - it's supposed to be great (there are so-called guided walks through the forest "forest bathing" offers online.
Scentlamp, (scented) candles :
Essential oils or candles have a calming and harmonizing effect and flow into the brain via the nose. (e.g. bergamot, lavender, cypress and coriander or your favorite smell).
Put your scented candle on your desk, spread a relaxing scent around your home or spray it on a cold light bulb (e.g. Biotherm relaxation scents) or essential oils in a bowl of water on the heater. The heat slowly spreads the scent.
A slowly careful massage ritual after a bath or shower with your favorite body lotion helps to reduce feelings of tension.
Let yourself be treated to a professional relaxation treatment. e.g. a warm forehead shower from Ayurveda (Shirodara), a Shiatsu massage in the water or Liquid sound therapy (floating in a pool with color irradiation - offers on JochenSchweitzer.de) or a classic massage from a professional can help to relieve tension
Textquelle/Auszüge: Angelika Kallwass für AOK Magazin, Miriam Junge für DM Alverde
7 things for more inner strength - at a glance
At the end of every day, always keep the positive in mind, not the bad. What or who made you happy today. What went well. Keep in mind or write it down 3 things what mades you happy over the day.
Trust in your abilities and skills and that you can have an influence on things around yourself.
There are good times and bad times - accept the present instead of getting upset, which costs you energy (especially not when things cannot be changed). Always try to make the best of the situation and the circumstances.
Maintain contacts. Family, friends and colleagues can be helpful supports in everyday life and in crises.
Listen to yourself. Look carefully at yourself and the things in life without being critical or judgmental.
Nothing is permanent. It gets better - after every crisis.
Seek advice if you don't know what to do next, this is a sign of strength.